Establishing an official legal entity under the name International Center for Finance & Trade to manage a joint site that includes banking, financial, investment, commercial and development institutions that includes an integrated infrastructure to serve the investor community, companies and government institutions to achieve the following goals
In the light of the rapid economic changes in the world nowadays, its new data led to the emergence of two unprecedented vital engines that contributed to pushing and directing the context of the rising development of the global, regional and local economic sectors with great force towards its strategic goals, and they are:
Professor Dr. Saad Abdulqahar Al-Sheikh, General Manager of the International Center for Finance and Trade.
1983: PhD in Economic Sciences.
1985: Head of the Economics Department at Al-Mustansiriya University.
1993: Awarded the title of Professor in Economic Sciences.
2008-2013: President of the Syrian International University for Science and Technology branch in Damascus.
2010: Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at the Syrian International University.
2016: Postdoctoral degree in Economic Sciences.
2016-Present: President of the Arab Council for Academics and Experts.
2021: Chairman of the Supreme Advisory Board of the Afro-Asian Universities Union.
2021: Awarded the title of Scientist in Economic Sciences by the Scholars' Platform in Saudi Arabia.